A guiding hand for spiritual journeys

Demystifying the mysteries 

Ripples of Consciousness


Ripples of consciousness permeating everything around us, a different way to spiritual gnosis

This is not the usual spiritual website or blog. We don’t sell anything, and we don’t require any followers and there’s no leaders no books to buy, and in the end there’s no religion, just your relationship with the devine. Everything on this website is free of charge. The information here can be considered controversial and if you are a devout Christian , Muslim or Jew or any religious genren we want to put a warning label on this information because, if you understand the information provided on this webpage it will change your life.

The purpose of this website is to provide you with a full over view of information that is the foundation of all known religions on this planet. And we will show that most organized religions, knowingly or unknowingly, have the purpose to seperate mankind from God, religion used as a tool to wedge it self between Man and God, separating Man from God. We don’t beat around the bush, and we don’t consider any one unworthy of spiritual gnosis. We are not bound by vows or any organisation, so we are free to provide this information. 

We are going to precent this information in as a logical, step by step way as possible, and we recommend an open mind.

Science and Spirituality  

For many people, the world of science and the world of spirituality can seem like separate and conflicting domains. However, there is a growing recognition that these seemingly disparate fields can complement and enrich one another, leading to a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our place in it.

Vedanta philosophy, with its universal approach to spiritual inquiry, offers a framework that can help to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. It teaches that the ultimate reality, known as Brahman, is the essence of all existence, and that the true nature of the individual self, or Atman, is identical with Brahman. This will be explained.

Modern scientific discoveries, such as quantum physics and neuroscience, are beginning to shed light on the nature of reality and consciousness, and are revealing the deep interconnections between all aspects of the universe. These discoveries are bringing us closer to the ancient wisdom of Vedanta, which recognizes the fundamental unity of all creation.

On this webpage, we offer resources and insights to help you explore the harmony between spirituality, Vedanta philosophy, and modern scientific discoveries. We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery, as we explore the intersection of these fascinating fields and uncover the deeper truths of our existence.

Demons, Angels and Magic

We will not focus on the spirit world, mediumship or magic in such great detail on our website but if you are interested in magic and contacting the spirit world there is a lot of information online to search for, but something that is extremely important to understand, if you are interested in magic etc. is that, the information shared here is an absolute necessity to perform any kind of magic at all. It’s like the petrol in the engine, without it you get nowhere.

So have you ever wonder how we can ”be one with all” or how ”God is One” or have you ever wondered why we at all can be like God, ”created in hes likeness” or do you want to know what meditation really is? Or do you want to know how Jesus did when he walked on water, or how manifest your future ? Look no further, those questions and many more will be answered.


Well Known Referenses  Well known Books

The history of religon provides a large array of well known storys and tails of scattered knowledge in myths and history. We will refer to many different themes and storys from different books like the Bible, Quran, and Vedantic teachings to show the connection to the origin of all religions. 

What we know about our reality to day through sciences has exploded, and it is a vast topic, and we going to precent the basic overall subjects about our reality in conjunction with the teaching of the past to show that todays scientific knowlage is In synk with the old teaching’s. 

Don't despair its not hard


This kind of information is not complicated and difficult to understand, it is a concept that everyone can understand and the core teaching can be stated in one sentence.

It’s like a road sign. When we see a stop sign we just follow its instruction, never reflect on the history of a stop sign. The road sign contains a collection of cultural references that include the history of horse riding, to automobile history and safety issues to insurance companies and government organizations that resulted in a simple red stop sign. The best way to explain this to someone who has never encountered a stop sign, never seen a car, and doesn’t know what a road is, is to explain the foundation and background information and history of the stop sign.

Goals and purposes 

What we are aiming for here is for you to get a clear picture of God by explaining the background that is rarely taught, the teaching about the God that deliberately has been hidden from you. This is by no means any new information but have ben kept behind symbolism, religion and myths and in the deeper schools of spiritual philosophy like Swedenborgianism, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Freemason, Cabalism, Vedanta, Knights Templars, OTO:s Thelema….and so on.  

You may have heard the expression ”not to cast pearls before swine”. This expression and saying reveals a great deal about the kind of spiritual hierarchical thinking that has depraved humans from there own true divine nature, and have permeated virtually all of known human history, resulting in that humanity have lost its connection to God because some Men don’t think humans deserve this knowledge.

Spirituality and History

This information has been deliberately kept hidden by confusing and diverting people’s attention to a completely wrong perspective and view of God. They have pointed to the heaven and told us to look for God there. Endless amount of literature has been created that leads to nothing but confusion and mental slavery. By hiding the true nature of  the relationship between God and Man, many secret or religious organisations has gained power and wealth and the ability to direkt humans to there own interests and goals.

In addition to all the misinformation, the alternative that is supposed to be the path to gnosis or enlightenment is infested with narcissists with pearly white smiles, geting high on attention. The New Age religions mostly aim to mislead people, sometimes unconsciously, sometimes consciously by focusing on the material aspects of reality, making money and sex.


There is nothing wrong with making money, or with sexual pleasures or taking in the best of being human and enjoying the divine creation and pleasures, but the notion that crystals, singing bowls, dream catchers and material things would on their own take you closer to God and the truth is a lie. No physical hot yoga session is the solution, and no matter how much you sweat or look ritualistic or spiritual it will not bring you closer to God, the key to spiritual gnosis is in your mind, and only there. It is true that a healthy body helps you have a healthy mind, but it is important to have balance between the spiritual and the physical aspects of life.

Why this webpage among others

About the author

There are many spiritual webpages out there and so why this page ? The author, (me) of this webpage has a long religious background that resulting in a questioning about what’s real and true. This skepticism has colored my spiritual journey and has been shaped by having a critical eye.

Questioning everything after the realisation that most of what I have been taught were completely wrong, has taken me on a mental exploration in to philosophy, science and different spiritual traditions and religious history trying to find some red thread to follow, resulting in some surprising discoveries and amazing realizations that I want to share with any one who wish to know.


All the references towards Vedanta teachings is a result from finding Vedanta to be a honest devoted attempt to make God available for any one who wishes to find liberation. If you wish to dig deeper in to the spiritual realm I want to recommend one particular organisation, The Vedanta Society Of New York and Swami Sarvapriyananda. They have hundreds of hours of recorded classes on Upanishads and Vedanta for free.


Ripples.se are centered around Mandukya Upanishad (Wikipedia) and the understandings from around ten years of studies of Vedanta, my interest in Scientific and Mathematic knowledge, my twenty year experience of Christianity and the experiences around my own spiritual journey.

The knowledge that I precent is not uniq in any way, I’m just another spoke on the wheel leading to the center. Maybe what’s uniq with my webpage is the way I want to precent this information.

This webpage is my attempt to make this type of knowledge even more accessible by visually describe some of the teachings with infographics, one of the original teaching methods. 

Careful considerations and recommendations

Small disclaimer 

We want to put out a small warning about this content on this website. You can’t unread what you read and you can’t un-know what you know, and sometimes ignorance is bliss. To have knowledge about something isn’t always a blessing. When you are on a spiritual journey you might expect an endless blissful state with never-ending ecstasies, but that is truly not just it. It involves all aspects of human spectrum of feelings and moods.

Endless bliss is how most New Age teachers describe enlightenment, but what most don’t understad is that there’s two basic types or two levels of enlightenments. The two types of enlightenment are connected to two aspects, Knowledge and Experience. The first state is enlighten Knowledge about the reality and you own nature, and the second state of enlightenment is the Experience of this knowlage. According to Vedantic teachings the fastest way to liberation is through one of the four yogas, Jnana Yoga or the path of knowledge. With this knowledge you get an understanding of your true nature, that will lead you to complete liberation and enlightenment, when you have Knowledge that Brahman (Divine Consiusness) and Atman (Divided Divine Consciousness) are the same, that will lead to the Experience (Nirvana/Moksha) of that Brahman and Atman are the same, or more accurate that Divine Consciousness and Divided Divine Consciousness are the same, fully awake.

Parables 1

To describe this, take this example: While knowledge of the ingredients and process of making ice cream can be helpful in creating a desired flavor or texture, it does not fully capture the sensory experience of consuming the final product. For example, one might have extensive knowledge of the ingredients and process of making chocolate ice cream, but without actually tasting it, they would not have a full understanding of its unique flavor and texture. In this way, experiencing the taste of ice cream offers a unique and personal understanding of the product that cannot be fully captured through theoretical knowledge alone. While knowledge and experience both play important roles in our understanding of the world, they offer different perspectives and ways of interacting with the world around us.

Make no mistake, understanding and enlightenment will bring you a certain peace of mind and happiness and bliss but it’s not the end station in any regard if you wish to go all the way.   

Development and understanding 

When dealing with information like this, it’s important to consider that as your understanding grows, you may start experiencing changes in your surroundings. You might initially think that you are not being watched, but as your understanding deepens, you get closer to the boundary of consciousness where your desires and aspirations align with the waves of divine awareness, and your reality starts to shift. Although these changes might be difficult to detect at first, you’ll eventually become aware of them and how God interacts with your life. There is a little story to describe how God interacts with this world, the story of the pious man and the flood.

Parables 2

The story goes like this: There was a pious man who lived in a village that was prone to flooding. One day, a heavy rain began to fall, and the river near the man’s house started to rise. The man was not worried, however, because he trusted in God to protect him.

As the water continued to rise, a neighbor came by in a boat and offered to take the man to safety. The pious man declined, saying that God would save him.

The water kept rising, and the man was forced to climb onto the roof of his house. A rescue helicopter flew overhead and offered to airlift him to safety, but again the man refused, saying that God would save him.

Eventually, the floodwaters overtook the man, and he drowned. When he arrived in heaven, he asked God why he had not saved him. God replied, ”I sent you a boat and a helicopter, but you refused to accept my help.”